Hi, welcome to driver training. In this session, we're going to do a bit of a change. We're going through currently the ADI part three marking sheet, but we're going to deal with one specific point in this video We're going on to teaching and learning strategies. However, point 10 of that is, was the teaching style suited to the pupil's learning style and current ability.
Understanding the adi part 3 marking sheet
We've had quite a few people ask or say that they're not really confident what we mean by the pupils learning style To this video is basically just dedicated to that.
It's just the brief look at what the four main learning styles are and how we as teachers can adapt to ask style to their style of learning. So did you know there are actually four main learning styles?
ADI Part 3 Learning Styles
The first well that's visual people who want to see how it's done for themselves. Then once they've seen it done, they understand what's required. And you know, that's why today you tube is the second biggest searched online reference after Google with over 5 billion videos viewed each day,
ADI Part 3 Be A Good Listener
The second way of learning. Well, that's audible. They learn best by listening. If we think of the popularity of eBooks and E readers, we understand how popular that is
ADI Part 3 - Kinesthetic Learning Style
The third way of learning. Well, that's, what's called kinesthetic. They just want to get on and do it. They learn best by just having a go, seeing how it's done and trying again,
ADI Part 3 - Reading and Writing
Our fourth way. Well, that's reading and writing these learners learn best when it's written down so they can process the information first. So visual learners want to see it done for themselves. And over the last couple of years with COVID haven't we seen the rise of people watching online videos for cooking, keeping fit, makeup, and clothing tutorials, every sort of subject is covered. And you know, you are one of them. That's why you are watching this video now. So they want you to include pictures and diagrams that helps them understand it more. You can recognize this in your students. If you give them a pupil record card, for instance, and they often do the on it. So for us as teachers use your briefing folder or your tablet, or, you know, just a pad and a pen to put diagrams so they can understand it. You may even ask the pupil to draw for themselves what you are explaining many iPads and tablets of ways and programs that you can just do your own drawings. Or you can explain something with your pad and your paper, and then ask the PIL to draw what they think is required.
You can also make printouts, do printouts for yourself. You can provide them via email, or you can just use a briefing folder. This is the one we use. Now, this is available to buy from us in our online store. And again, it just provides all the diagrams and pictures. And as it says, a picture paints, a thousand words. The more we can use this as a tee, the more our pupils will really get the sense of what we're trying to teach them, Waving your hands around, trying to explain a picture that's in your head really will be a pointless exercise. So moving on to auditory learners. Now, these students would rather listen to a lecture than anything else. You may see them on computers learning, but you notice they've always got the headphones on so they can hear what is said That way. They're getting the full sense of it. Another way to recognize this style is, as you are talking, they may repeat what you are say, but also when they read, they like to read aloud And the way for us as teachers to help them is get them involved in discussions, ask them to repeat back to you what you are asking them to do.
And the best way of doing that Is just the traditional method. Question and answer to do that. Just remember the basics, the who, what, where, why, when, how much make it interactive and engaging. Get them thinking on what you are asking them. They can either watch the videos or listen to audio tapes. So are you as an instructor, listening to their learning style. Our third style is kinesthetic learners. Now these don't want to go through great amounts of briefings or read up on the wears and whys. They just want to go off and do it. They want learn by actually practicing it. Aesthetic learners just want to get on, try it. They're not worried if it goes wrong, they will simply learn from the mistakes and try it again. It's like when you sit next to a Rubik’s cube that hasn't been completed, you just get this overwhelming urge just to give it a go and see if you can solve even just part of it. But if you can't, it's not the end of the world and you're not that bothered. You just think I'll either put it down or I'll try it again.
So the best way we can teach kinesthetic learners is to just let them practice. You know, we all learn by doing after all. We both know you can't simply learn to drive by reading a book you've gotta get on and practice. So do that. Let them practice After all, you well know that to become a driving instructor is taken at least four hours of actually practicing it. And the way to recognize this is if during a briefing they're looking around, like they're bored or not interested, it probably just means that they want to get on with it and try it for themselves. We can just say, would you prefer it? If we just had a go at this A fourth way? Well, that's reading or writing These learners prefer to see it written down so that they can look and absorb the information for themselves. These learners are drawn to expression through writing or reading. They want to read the user manual or the instructions over and over again, before they even have a go at it, They may be fond of writing their thoughts down in diaries. These show that the person probably has a preferred learning style of reading.
So for these students, we, as teachers want to give them enough time to absorb the information. We can use the student record cards or reflective logs so that the pupil can see for themselves what we've encouraged them to do. And that's where our writing notes down helps them understand more fully the lesson and the things that are required to progress. You know, I've had pupils where I've been writing notes down on the record cards and they've actually said, oh, can I write it down, please? So all we need to do is just carry some blank sheets of paint and ask the student at the end of the lesson or during the lesson to write down in their own words, what needs to be built on or strengthened next time, then they can take it away with them and get more fully the sense of what's required. So point 10, that we've covered in this video is really about, did you, as the trainer or instructor deliver the lesson in a way that was suited to your pupils learning style, Did they understand it? Not just in your opinion, but specifically with the examiner in mind,
But if you don't seem able to reach a pupil with one way, just mix it up. Use diagrams, use commentary, use visual points, or sit down. You can even just ask the pupil. And that's where knowledge of your own style and preference is, is can really benefit you. What do we mean by that?
Or perhaps you are strong with visual references or saying things, but actually for those who need to learn by doing the aesthetic learners, you are not that keen on just letting them practice. And you sometimes you see that because you see learners at the side of the road with their instructors and the pupils are completely disengaged, which means they're probably just thinking, yeah, can I get on and do this please?
So our teaching style needs to match the pupil's learning style. And by understanding this, it can help you improve and turn any weaknesses you have into strengths. And if you think that's why these series of videos contain audio visual and written elements to them. So that way we appeal to all sorts of learning styles,
But the second part of point 10, which we don't want to let go unnoticed, does it suit the pupil's current ability? Remember on the day of test, what is the pupil's ability? Are they having a bad day? Are they having good, good day? Or it could just mean what you are trying to teach them? Are they ready to progress or is it too much for them to handle?
Have they had a bad night's sleep? Have they got problems at home, distracting them? Are they just incredibly nervous? Cuz an examiner sitting in the back, all these factors can alter the pupil's ability to learn and take things in on a specific day. So if we can respond to how they're learning, then we really are making the lesson client focused.
So that's it for this video, we hope that's made it more clear on what the different learning styles or the four basic learning styles are and how we as instructors, as trainers can alter our training style to suit the pupils learning style. We look forward to seeing you next time. My name's Chris remember train safely and we'll see you all again soon.